
You might know us as the Country Music Capital, home to Australia’s First City of Light, or the gateway to the New England. But that’s just the beginning…It’s where rich heritage meets outdoor adventure, arts and culture complements luxury, and sport intersects action and fun.

We have two offices located in Tamworth. Our main office is located on in the V Guy Cable Building, just outside of the CBD on Marius Street.

Catholic Schools Program

Provides psychology services to all Catholic Schools in the region as well as the Catholic Schools Office (CSO) staff. Support includes therapy and psychological assessment for students, staff and support to families.

This service delivered face to face at the schools as well as via e-therapy/telehealth services direct to clients where needed.

Referrals come through schools directly or the CSO.

Community Visitors Scheme

The Community Visitor Scheme provides volunteers for 1 hour per fortnight to visit with residents of aged care facilities. These residents would otherwise be isolated, as many are far from their family.

Imagine being able to make someone’s day just by visiting them for an hour or two each fortnight. Making a difference in someone’s life is one of the most rewarding things that you can do. And what better way to do that than by volunteering with the Community Visitors Scheme? This program offers friendship and companionship to people who may be facing loneliness or isolation. It’s a great opportunity for you to give back to your community and make a real difference in someone’s life. Plus, you get to meet new people and have some fun too!

Couples Counselling

Couples wanting to address challenges in their relationship can do so by accessing Couples Counselling with one of Centacare’s trained clinicians. Clients can access services in person or via telehealth.

Employee Assistance Program

Centacare NENW has a number of contracts with businesses in the New England North West region to provide psychological support to their employees.

Psychology services include counselling over 3 to 6 sessions, supervision of employees and on-site critical incident support.

Fees range from $150 per session and services are paid for by employers with no out of pocket cost to the employee.

Family Counselling

Family Counselling aims to assist individuals experiencing difficulties within their relationships.

Family counselling can help people to better manage personal or interpersonal issues connected to their children & family during marriage, separation or divorce. The aim of this service is to help strengthen relationships to prevent any further breakdowns. The wellbeing and safety of children is a priority. Family Counselling is a short-term, early intervention service.

Online Referral Form: https://forms.office.com/r/LNSV76ga52

Family Law Pathways Network

The Family Law Pathways Network (FLPN) facilitates a Steering Committee across the Tamworth Region supporting a network of representatives from legal firms, community legal services, family services, Children’s Contact Services, family violence services, community based Aboriginal services and family support services.

The Network supports connection between community Family Law service providers, education opportunities, and investment in the new generation of Family Law Service Providers.

Family Relationship Centre

Centacare NENW’s Family Relationship Centre is a gateway to the broader law and family support service system.

We provide families with support around their relationships and parenting through appropriate information and referral; provide separating families help to achieve workable parenting arrangements (Parenting Plans), outside the court system, through information and referral, support and family dispute resolution services; and deliver high quality, safe and ethical services.

The Family Relationship Centre also provides Property and Financial dispute resolution services, assisting post separated families to negotiate the equitable distribution of their property and financial assets, and the creation of a Property and Financial Agreement.

Family Rural Resilience

The Family Rural Resilience Program (FRRP) is a free and flexible early intervention, wellbeing program that works with children aged 0-18, and their families.

FRRP programs are designed to build skills in wellbeing and family resilience. We aim to support families to increase wellbeing, safety, connectedness and overall functioning. We provide short and long term case management as well as a range of courses to help you achieve this.

First Nation’s Peoples

Our community Aboriginal Liaison Officer provides regular face to face community events to support, celebrate and acknowledge the strength of our first nation’s people.

The program offers advocacy and support to reduce barriers and challenges for First Nation’s persons to access information, service and supports through Aboriginal specific, and mainstream services and is available to walk beside First Nation’s persons through their journey with Centacare.


The new GambleAware program is a stepped care mental health model aimed at supporting anyone affected by gambling harm or at risk of developing issues with gambling. This can include the gambler themselves as well as any friends or relatives. As gambling harm is usually associated with other underlying issues such as depression, anxiety and trauma, clients accessing support through this program receive holistic mental health support and/or Financial Counselling with trained professionals.

Referrals are open (with no age restrictions), so they can come from any source including self referrals.

Centacare NENW provides this program across the Hunter New England Local Health District in partnership with Centacare Hunter Manning.

Referral Phone: 1800 497 065
Click here for our online referral form >

General Mediation

Our Family Services program offers conflict resolutions services to cover workplace, community, and family mediation situations that may not fall within funded service streams. These are organised on a fee-for-service arrangement, in negotiation with parties.

We also offer family mediations for situations that fall outside our funding streams. Examples of these mediations include mediating child protection arrangements, assisting a family of adults who were able to agree on particular family issues and mediating families who have long-held and consistent disputes (unrelated to children or a separation) to move forward.

headspace Tamworth (and the outposts Gunnedah, Narrabri, Moree) and headspace Armidale offer free early intervention services and support to young people aged 12 – 25 (and their family and friends) experiencing mild to moderate difficulties in four key areas:

  • Mental health
  • Physical and sexual health
  • Work and study
  • Alcohol and other drugs
headspace Tamworth (and outposts) and headspace Armidale service providers work together to make it as easy as possible for young people and their family and friends to access the support they require including making referrals to other services internally and externally. This may include allocation to our Youth Complex Care program (Nurture, Resilience & Growth  – NRG) which is co-located with headspace.

Welcome Packs

Individual Placement and Support

The Individual Placement Support (IPS) program is designed to help young people experiencing mental health problems into employment. The program seeks to source appropriate employment suitable for the young person. The program differs from other employment services by working in tandem with clinical interventions and employer support.

Keep On Track

Keep on Track is an early intervention program that supports young people aged 10-17 years of age, who are at risk of ongoing engagement in the criminal justice system.

Keep On Track will support and complement the Youth on Track program and will be available in Tamworth, Armidale, Narrabri & Moree. The caseworkers will work with young people aged between 10-17 years to address any social/welfare issues, prior to them having committed a crime. Our aim is to reconnect young people back with education/employment opportunities, as well as link them in with recreational activities and community based programs; helping to improve their engagement and reduce any antisocial behaviours. 

Click here for our online referral form >

Multicultural Communities

Our Multicultural Officer is available to provide guidance, education, information, support and referrals to a range of services that can help you during your settlement process.

We encourage everyone in the community to be join in with our activities and seasonal events through the year.

We can support and assist you throughout your settlement process in a number of ways, including:

  • Access to services in the region
  • Integration with the Community through our programmes and community events
  • Supporting Mental health and wellbeing
  • Adaptation to living in a rural area
  • Encouraging community connection
  • Mediation and counselling services
  • Individual support

NDIS Clinical

Centacare’s clinicians provide clinical services to Disability clients with an NDIS Plan.

These services can include Specialist Behavioural Intervention and Behaviour Support Plan under the Improve Relationships category as well as Psychology Assessments and Individual Counselling under the Therapeutic Services category.

These services are available to clients via telehealth where it is acceptable and appropriate, as well as in person.

Click here for our online referral form >

NDIS Plan Management

Plan Management oversees financial aspects of NDIS plans for people who wish for their funding to be “plan-managed” (as opposed to agency or self-managed). This involves:

  • Paying invoices from service providers and suppliers;
  • Providing financial reports each month or by request;
  • Liaising with a wide range of stakeholders;
  • Sharing our knowledge of the NDIS and undertaking administrative tasks for clients and their families;
  • Establishing a portal so that authorised individuals can access details of budgets and service bookings.
NDIS Plan Management Phone: 02 6762 9262

Nurturing Resilience & Growth (NRG)

Nurturing Resilience and Growth (NRG) provides mental health support to young people, aged 12 to 25, who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, complex mental health issues.

This program is co-located with Centacare’s headspace services, allowing for transition of young people depending on their needs.

Open Arms Veterans Counselling

Centacare NENW provides psychology services to both current and ex-military service people and their families as part of the Department of Veteran Affairs Open Arms program.

Referrals come through the Department of Veteran Affairs Open Arms head office team.

Post-Separation Co-operative Parenting

The Post Separation Cooperative Parenting (PSCP) program assists separated parents, often in high conflict, with interventions to establish new cooperative parenting arrangements. All services are child-focused, intensive and holistic. Parenting programs such as Building Connections, Keeping Kids in Mind, My Kids and Me and Caring Dads are run under this stream. One-on-one individual support is also available under this stream where a specialist works with clients on positive parenting practices.

Psychology Services

Clients can access up to 10 Psychology services in a calendar year via a referral and a Mental Health Care Plan prepared by a GP. The fee per session offset by Medicare’s Better Access Scheme, with clients only out of pocket approximately $80.

Those clients without a Mental Health Care Plan, access to EAP or other pathway to seeing a clinician can engage with psychology services privately via Centacare’s General Counselling services.

Clients can choose to access services in person or via telehealth. Fees per session are paid for by the client as they complete each session.

Referrals are open (with no age restrictions), so they can come from any source including self referrals.

Regional Family Dispute Resolution

Regional Family Dispute Resolution (RFDR) services are designed to meet the particular needs of regional communities, providing a range of services to help separating families resolve disputes and reach agreement on parenting arrangements and property.

These services provide dispute resolution for both post separation Parenting Plans and Property and Financial matters, as well as education, information and counselling.

Specialised Family Violence

The “Disrupting Family Violence” program, offered through Centacare’s Specialised Family Violence Services offers a holistic family oriented approach to support those who use violence, and those affected by and who have witnessed domestic and family violence in their families, with an overarching goal of increasing the safety of women and children.

The Disrupting Family Violence program has two main components:

  • A Family Safety Worker who offers direct support to the Partner of the user of violence, and indirect support for the children and wider family through referrals, safety planning and education.
  • A local Men’s Behaviour Change Program; group facilitators/case workers who work directly with men who are users of violence, over approximately a 6 month period, including one to one support and assessment; and a 20 session group based program.

Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living (SIL) supports are services that are provided in group home settings to participants that require 24 hour, 7 day a week care. The group home setting was Centacare NENW first foray into ADHC packages with the Napier House coming under Centacare NENW’s management in 2015.

Centacare NENW manages 2 homes in Tamworth, housing 3 clients with standard needs. The homes are all privately owned by the parents of the clients and not owned or leased by the organisation.


Clients who have experienced injury or accidents in the workplace can access Psychology sessions under WorkCover to help them return to normal functioning at work, home and community settings.

These services are provided in person or via telehealth by registered Centacare psychologists who are registered with WorkCover.

Youth Drug and Alcohol Service (YDAS)

Youth Drug and Alcohol Service (YDAS) is a strengths based recovery model of care, focusing on the principles of early intervention, harm minimisation, engagement and delivery of evidence-based practices to promote best treatment outcomes for young people.

YDAS is available in the Moree, Narrabri and Tamworth LGAs only.

Click here for our online referral form >

Youth on Track (YOT)

Youth on Track is an early intervention program that supports young people aged 10-17 years of age, who are at risk of ongoing engagement in the criminal justice system.

The program provides intensive one on one case management that is tailored to the specific criminogenic factors that affect the young person risk of reoffending. Factors can include substance use, peer relations, education/employment, attitudes and beliefs, family living circumstances, leisure/recreation and personality/behaviour. Case management support is generally 3-12 months in duration.